Throughout the summer, many students attend summer enrichment programs to further their knowledge on a topic or simply to have fun. Although these summer camps range in application deadline, price and location, most of the University of California campuses have programs that target high school students.
“It does look good on college applications,” said Samantha Hodes, a Woodbridge High School counselor. “What camp you choose to go to depends on your interest and some have scholarship opportunities.”
Some students say they attend camp to have fun and make new friends.
“My experience at Girls State was really humbling,” said Deepali Dhruve, a senior at Woodbridge High School and a participant at last year’s Girls State camp, a week-long camp on the United States government and politics. “You meet these awesome girls who are involved in almost everything.”
Girls State is just one example of a state camp that offers financial aid to students. For example, Woodbridge High School’s scholarship committee chooses one junior each year to participate in that camp as a school representative.
“I received a scholarship to go to camp,” Dhruve said. “I loved every part of it and really enjoyed all the real-life programs [Girls State] offered, such as mock elections.”
Also, some camps offer scholarhips opportunities depending on the cost and location of the camp.
“Students can earn scholarship from many camps,” Woodbridge High School counselor Melissa Figge said. “Also, going to a summer camp would show a college you are applying to, how much interest and devotion you have towards that subject. This would definitely be an advantage when applying to a college where the summer camp was held.”
Here are a few summer camps in California students can apply, according to subject.
1. Science: UC Davis Young Scholars Program
Join other high achieving high school students doing original research in biology and the natural sciences at UC Davis. Participants will work one-on-one with research faculty and research groups in laboratories for six weeks. Each student will work on an individual project and prepare a presentation about their work.
Length: June 24-Aug. 4
Deadline to apply: March 31
Fee: $5,3000
Scholarships: available
Website: http://ysp.ucdavis.edu
2. Art: UC Irvine Clair Trevor School of the Arts
This is a conservatory-style immersion, education and portfolio preparation through project-based learning for high school students. Some high school seniors can receive college credit for participating in this summer academy.
Length: varies (one session is usually 11 days long)
Deadline to apply: varies
Fee: varies from $500 to $2,200
Scholarships: available
Website: http://www.arts.uci.edu/artsoutreach
3. Social Science: UCLA Mock Trial / Model United Nations (MUN) Summer Institute
These week long programs can broaden your knowledge base, explore college and career options, boost your self-confidence and powers of persuasion. Learn from the National Champion Mock Trial team of UCLA or one of the top ten comprehensive MUN collegiate programs in the nation.
Length: June 24-30 (MUN) or July 22-28 (Mock Trial)
Deadline to apply: varies
Fee: $1,520
Scholarships: available
4. Math and Science: California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS)
This is an intensive four-week summer residential program for students with a demonstrated aptitude for academic and professional careers in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Students have the opportunity to work with renowned faculty, researchers and scientists to explore advanced STEM topics outside of the high school curriculum.
Length: June 24-July 21 (UC Irvine) or July 8-Aug. 4 (UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, UC San Diego)
Deadline to apply: March 1
Fee: $2,810
Scholarships: available
Website: http://cosmos-ucop.ucdavis.edu/
5. Language Arts: UC San Diego Young Writers’ Camp
Young Writer’s Camp is a ten-day summer program that inspires creative thinking and writing. Students explore writing styles and methods of self-expression with new friends. This program is open to students from fourth to tenth grade.
Length: July 23-Aug. 3
Deadline to apply: April 1-June 1
Fee: $300
Scholarships: available