Economy, culture, marriage… Many things worldwide have been altered by women since the 1970s and the change is continuous. Iceland Senator Johanna, who became the first woman prime minister in 2009, announced that “the age of male hormone shall end” in her election speech. Similarly, Hanna Rosin declared the end of the age of men through her book, “The End of Men and The Rise of Women.” Men have conquered the world for 40,000 years. But women have started to replace men since 40 years ago. What could be the basis of this contention?
In the 1970s, an American physiologist, Ronald Ericsson, succeeded in separating Y chromosomes from sperm. This made it possible for people to choose their babies’ gender, and he was quite concerned of the world turning into a sex unbalanced society due to boy preference. However, contrary to his expectation, the result was quite different. 75% of the applicants wanted to have a daughter.
Moreover, women have occupied more than half of the jobs in the United States since 2009. You can see women frequently in law and medical schools. 58% of doctors under 35 in France are women and 64% of doctors in Spain are, believe it or not, also women.
A few days ago, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (여성가족부) of Korea endeavored to enhance women rights since women didn’t have much power. But now, you can recognize that the situation has completely changed by the action and solidarity of men in “Man of Korea.” Members of “Man of Korea” gathered and demonstrated in front of Jecheon women’s library in Chungcheong province. They protested against the library’s policy of only letting women use the facility.
About this universal situation, Kim Hyun-jae, a freshman in Sehwa High School, said, “I’m very positive with the fact that the superior, probably women for now, should be in high positions in this society.” Also, Jo Sung-yun, a freshman in Sehwa High School, said, “ Discriminatory treatment of sex is required in some situations. But evaluation through ability should be considered more importantly.”
Women have made an enormous change throughout the world. This may be a shame for men who have conquered the world for a long time. But arguing and complaining are not the appropriate reaction to this fluctuation. Men have to learn from women of their patience and exertion.