(Photo Credit: news.unn.net)
These days, the diverse college admission system is considered to be one of the most important issues related to education. Since 2007, when it was first applied to about 10 universities, this system has grown and is currently being executed in 127 universities.
“Diverse college admission system” is a system in which universities hire admissions officers and use them to pick students considering their grades, personal environment, potential and so on.
This system was first introduced in order to select students who are suited for knowledge based society in twenty-first century. The individuals who are qualified for this fast-paced society need to have not only the ability to simply memorize materials and adapt to new environments but also creativity, communication skills, good attitude and so on. Since these kinds of various aspects were not able to be considered while grading students before due to the lack of systems, the institution of diverse college admission systems allowed these characteristics to get attention. In addition, the appearance of academic achievement’s gap between schools after the standardization of high schools made universities depend on the national college entrance exam rather than school records. This led to the downfall of public education and expansion of private education and caused many education problems as well as social problems. Therefore, the government brought up diverse admission systems to take account of not only academic achievements, but also various extracurricular activities and allow public education to become diverse and influential.
Nevertheless, even though this kind of system might seem to have only the benefits, in some parts it may not. It is an undeniable fact that the system has a problem of objectivity. Since these kinds of systems are supervised by the admissions officers and don’t rely only on the test scores, it may have excess subjectivity. Additionally, it may lead to another field of private education in order to prepare for students’ interviews, a letter of self-introduction and so on. Also, it may confuse students and parents with too much criteria as it is totaled up to about 3000 types.
On the other hand, diverse college admission system seems to have a bright future as it seems to bring many positive results by focusing on many aspects to enhance students’ abilities in every way. This process may be tough for students to handle. Nevertheless, the result of this rough road seems to be worth the expectation of producing talented individuals who would later contribute to the society.