The 15th Seoul Model United Nations (SEOMUN XV), one of the most prestigious invitation-based MUN conference in Asia, opened at Blue Square, Hannam-dong, on Nov. 1. Over 450 students from seventeen different international schools from Korea, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Myanmar gathered together to participate in SEOMUN. Under this year’s theme “Global Commitment and Responsibility,” the nine committees-General Assembly 1 and 2, Advisory Panel, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Human Rights Council, International Court of Justice, Security Council, Six Party Talks and Special Conference debated hotly on the agenda issues and showed undeniable leadership and fellowship in writing successful resolutions.
Each committee had three individual issues on their agenda. GA 1 had issues regarding the regional conflicts between Western Asia and the Palestinian region as well as the denuclearization of rogue nations. Advisory Panel debated on the question of security in Syria. Six Party Talks discussed upon the non-nuclear energy program for DPRK, defining the laws of the Internet and reevaluating the comfort women of WWII. The Special Conference was concerned about the issues of environmental sustainability such as biodiversity in rain forests, increasing water efficiency and energy sufficiency.
Distinct from other domestic Korean MUN conferences, SEOMUN XV offered a variety of experiences to both the delegates and the staffs. Media including SEOULITE and SEOTV produced news articles and video reports on the conference. Honorable guest speakers had presentations concerning “Global Commitment and Responsibility.” Keynote speaker, Major General Chun In-bum, who is known for his decisive leadership and military career, made an opening speech about the history of Korean War and the need for the future generation to appreciate the labors of past generations. Forum Speakers activist Tim Peters, U.S. Embassy Officer Brian Breuhaus and marine biologist Charissa Stair gave inspirational speeches as well. Speaking to the Six Party Talks, Tim Peters emphasized the importance of SPT in tackling the human rights issue of DPRK.
After the closing ceremony, delegates unanimously agreed that they had gained a more critical viewpoint on some of the world’s most complex struggles through the fruitful debates. They also concluded that debating with the most distinguished delegates from Asia was a very unforgettable experience for them. Secretary General Park Sang-hyun stated, “With only three years left to fulfill our hopes of achieving the Millennium Development Goals, as future leaders of this global world, our responsibility to protect, help, and educate are paramount to our future.”