An individual walks in an eatery and notices a couple nearby. He realizes that these two people are not conversing with another. Rather they ignore each other to engage in a world that exists in their phone. What makes us distance ourselves from others and make us desire for instant gratification is smart phones.
We have all been in an awkward situation between two people where no one is speaking to each other. Almost out of instinct, people retreat to friends, music, or some other electronic device. Smart phones offer all of the above. These technologically advanced phones distract us from addressing far more important priorities, such as writing an important paper, or taking care of responsibilities. Because of the influence of the smart phone, people are more likely to develop a dependence. Who in their lives hasn’t just sent a message to someone in the other room, instead of walking the few paces? “Sometimes I’d would just text or call my parents to ask for something” said an anonymous smartphone consumer. This shows that people are becoming more and more socially distant from each other.
Not only does the smart phone affect the user, it also affects others around the use. In today’s society, there are many examples of this. We ineptly get things done, due to all the functions of the smartphone. We write reports while being distracted by Facebook. People escape reality through their phones. Some people are so fixated on their devices that they would basically drop everything unimportant and focus solely on their electronic devices. They later develop loneliness and have difficulty interacting with other people outside of the technological world. In many cases, this example can be seen in restaurants. Individuals are seen playing on their phones or talking on them outside of the restaurant, instead of each other. This is also another example of how people always have the option to escape any circumstance by using their phones.
As the world goes through more and more technological advancements, it is likely that people might not have any verbal communication with one another. We should learn to be more patient and to be more socially interactive with other outside of the technological world. If we do, the world might open up opportunities that were never presented to us before.