The holiday season, for many people, is a time for happiness, having feasts with family, and truly being thankful for everything. However, there are some families who are struggling to even scrape up enough money to buy food and daily necessities. Sonora High School, an environment filled with loving and caring people, is hosting its annual holiday toy and food drive. A big part of Sonora’s culture and tradition, the Holiday Food Drive holds a special place in the hearts of the students and faculty. The Holiday Food and Toy Drive supports one hundred twenty families who are struggling to get by with food and gifts for their children.
Some of the students of Sonora High School took the Toy Drive in their own hands, and made trips to toy stores to buy gifts for the children. Andrea Garcia, a sophomore of Sonora, expresses, “I want to do all that I can for these children. The gifts I’m buying for them will mostly likely be the only thing they’ll receive. The children deserve to have a holiday season they can remember, and not have to worry about the family’s financial situation.” The students truly show compassion and love towards people of their community. She further says, “I don’t know them; I’ve never seen them. But I feel as if I’ve known them forever.” Although they most likely do not know or have seen the family, they develop a special bond with them when buying the presents.
In addition to buying toys and canned foods for the children and families, many students donate money daily in a can, which is given a nickname as “the Can of Giving.” This year, Sonora ASB President Matthew Varela said in the Food Drive Kick-Off, “Last year we made around $25,000. As a senior, I want to exceed last year and reach for $30,000. With the extra money, I want to be able to give the families even more food for the holiday. It may be all they have to eat this season.” Teachers encourage students to give a dollar a day to help reach their goal. The upperclassmen encourage others to try to give up a bag of chips from the vending machine and give that dollar to the food drive because every bit counts.
Sonora High School also has their annual serf day to raise money for the holiday food drive. Serf day allows students to bid on friends and other students to buy them as their personal serf for a day. Junior Angie Jung says, “I’m definitely buying a serf this year. I’m going to have my books carried, and donate money to the food drive at the same time. How great is that!”
Through many different ways, Sonora High School students pour out their love for their community and others. The whole community takes a part in this community-wide event. Many families, businesses, and schools of La Habra become involved and are always generously willing to lend a hand to help those who are less fortunate. Many local businesses donate money and items used daily- such as toothbrushes, diapers, boxes, canned food, laundry detergent, and much more- for the family. Although many people take these everyday items for granted, the less fortunate families are truly grateful for the compassion the community shows.