On May 9, 2012, during an interview with ABC news, President Obama stated that “same-sex couples should be able to get married.” Homosexuality has become a controversial topic throughout the United States. Many states such as Washington allowed same-sex marriage, while some states decided to stay conservative. President Obama’s decision spawned numerous responses, some positive and some negative.
Many celebrities and famous figures advocated Obama’s radical stance on same-sex marriage. Although his stance was met with initial backlash, many celebrities supported Obama’s position, such as Jay-Z and Will Smith. “What people do in their own homes is their business, and you can choose to love whoever you love. That’s their business. It’s no different than discriminating against blacks. It’s discrimination, plain and simple,” said Jay-Z on MTV.
Not everybody was happy with Obama’s decision, however. Manny Pacquiao, a prominent boxer from the Philippines, did not approve of Obama’s stance. Coming from a strong Christian background, Pacquiao quoted biblical verses in order to prove his point why gay marriage should not be allowed. “What I’m critical of are actions that violate the word of God. I gave out my opinion that same sex marriage is against law of God,” stated Pacquiao on the Huffington Post. His initial backlash was met with fierce criticism from the media and the U.S citizens, particularly from homosexual citizens. “People should have equality regardless of their gender and their sexuality. I highly support Obama’s stance. It is time that United States’ conservative policy changes for the better,” stated James Lee, one of the members from the Gay-Straight alliance club at Kamiak High School.
Many students from Kamiak High School voiced their opinions about Obama’s stance on gay marriage. Tony Sisco, a sophomore from Kamiak High School, expressed his displeasure with Obama’s position. “I don’t have anything against gay people; I think they should strive for individuality. But I think Obama just jeopardized his chances of getting re-elected for president because of his stance,” said Sisco. Daniel Kim, a sophomore at Kamiak High School, decided to remain neutral. “I’m a Christian with a strong biblical background, but I don’t entirely disagree with Obama either,” stated Kim. Anders Straume, a junior, expressed his support for gay marriage. “Everyone should receive equality. It’s what our country was founded on,” stated Straume.
Political implications may have been another factor why Obama decided to support gay marriage. According to a poll conducted by New York Times, 67 percent of those who were surveyed said that Obama made that decision mainly for “political reasons,” while 24 percent said it was “mostly because he thought it was right.” The political motivation factor questions the validity of Obama’s stance on gay marriage. Is he supporting gay marriage to gain political tandem, or is he supporting because he actually cares about gays?
This article was very informative! I really like how you weren’t opinionated & how you included many different voices through quotes. Nice job! 🙂