Leadership, Scholarship, Service, and Character. These are the four pillars of the National Honors Society, by which all high school student members strive to live by.
Fulfilling its commitment to service, on February 1-2, Peninsula High School’s National Honors Society gathered for its annual large-scale volunteer project, which involved plenty of cans of paint, ladders, trash bags, and unique room décor. Addressing the need for a renovated faculty lounge, student volunteers worked together after school to help paint, clean, and restore the entire lounge.
“The teachers at Peninsula work so hard, and so I’m really glad that we’re doing this project for them. It’s a great way for us to not only beautify our campus, but we are thanking them for their unwavering dedication to their students. Hopefully, the effects of this project are something that will last for quite a while!” Vice President Neda Dai explained.
The National Honors Society, a prestigious recognition program established throughout the United States since 1921, is intended to honor the accomplishments of students who demonstrate excellence in the four pillars. Based on a selective application process and the student’s adherence to “creat[ing] enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulat[ing] a desire to render service, promot[ing] leadership, and develop[ing] character in the students of secondary schools,” students are chosen for membership and inducted into the program at an annual ceremony.

This year, Peninsula’s NHS comprises more than 250 Junior and Senior students.
Casey Cameron, the Treasurer, stated, “I’m always so impressed by other students. They are all so accomplished in so many things, and they honestly excel in everything that they do. Being selected as a NHS member is a privilege and honor- in fact, we are one of the only two clubs here on campus that has the ability to give out stoles and chords! But really, colleges do take membership in NHS into great consideration. ”
Within the two days, the members enthusiastically dedicated time after school to paint walls, realign shelves, clean out the bathrooms and kitchens, and add decorations.
But not only has the group committed itself to giving back to teachers- Peninsula’s NHS also provides free lunch time tutoring sessions, in all subjects, for students every day. Through this service activity, members strive to help contribute to the school by providing their peers with additional guidance, support, and help.

“I’ve been told that accumulating concepts and ideas just makes you an intelligent person. But to be a truly great person, you need to constantly pay things forward and give back to others,” Erin Burgos, the Secretary, stated. “Through NHS, students have the opportunity to help give back to our school, and I love how we get to come together, commit ourselves to a great cause, and see it carried through.”
Palos Verdes Peninsula’s NHS truly did make an impact on the campus, as the teachers now have a new and improved area to lounge, which was made with a combination of love, dedication, and teamwork, just for them.