Proposals to extend the 710 freeway continue to face opposition by Pasadena and South Pasadena residents, and for good reason.
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority recently revealed three more alternatives to the existing nine to address the problem of congestion at the end of the 710 freeway. All three of these options involve extending the freeway, whether above or underground Avenue 64, to connect the 710 to either the 134 or 210 freeways. Once again, residents of the San Gabriel Valley, particularly Pasadena and South Pasadena, responded with hostility.
“(The 710) will bring noise, pollution, and disruption to emergency services,” said Pasadena Councilman Steve Madison.
While most are concerned with the physical disruption and damage the 710 will create, many residents also fear the disintegration of their close-knit communities. Both Pasadena cities are known for their peaceful, historic neighborhoods that reflect the ideal suburban community.
Suburbs represent the family-centered culture of America. Pasadena and South Pasadena are communities that preserve these warm atmospheres through the value of tranquility and tradition. While the 710 freeway extension may be a temporary solution to transit problems, it essential destroys a vibrant community of traditions and values.