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Kim Gi-duck, a Korean movie director, won the 69th Venice International Film Festival’s top prize, the Golden Lion with the film called “Pieta.” It is the first time a Korean director’s movie won the awards on the three major movie festivals, which are the Venice International Film Festival, the Cannes International Film Festival and the Berlin International Film Festival.
The local film industry analyzed the film to consist both representative code of director Kim, The wile nature and the message in religious rescue, which carried out an excellent combination as the factors that lead to its award. Many Experts has noted the fervent support of this film from the Europe and North America for its original style and narratives.
Kim has not studied movie seriously ever and his life itself seems like a movie since he has lived as weeds in harsh environment. He said in the interview with the AP before the awards ceremony, “I always respect people, life and meaning of life. I think these are the things that the people all around the world can recognize.”
Kim Young-jin, a professor at the Myongji University Film Musical department, said, “Mr.Kim, who has actually experienced laborer’s life himself, expressed the physical violence and extreme emotion plainly. He aadded “getting out of art film’s paradigm and western film’s tradition, distinctive speech which is not similar with any directors are the reasons that the film got noticed in Europe.”
Movie critic Jeon Can-ill, who is a Busan International Film Festival’s Korea Film programmer, also commented, “the film has expressed the wild nature, main code of the director Kim, well refined and sublimated it to the completeness of artistic achievement.”
“Pieta” especially captivated many European’s hearts by standing out the religious rescue. Though the film which names after the Buonarroti Michelangelo’s ‘mother and son statue’ starts with brutal and destructive scenes, it expressed the possibilities of the human existence’s rescue as the melancholy and beautiful, showing beyond anyone’s imagination’s revenge and the way of love.
As this movie got the awards, the interest of domestic audiences is growing higher and higher. Purchase rates in domestic theater rose and the sales of novel which is adaptation of the movie scenario are sold out.