First started in 2011, Korean American Coalition’s Mentorship Circle Program is a ten month program that pairs a mentee and a mentor. Both mentors and mentees meet at least four hours a month and attend mentorship events. During these mentorship circles, the mentors educate the mentors by teaching various essential topics such as goal setting, time management, planning skills, career development, interview skills, interpersonal skills, communication skills, civic engagement, and conflict resolution. On December 3rd, after attending the mentorship circle event regarding career development, Brandon Lee, a freshman at LACES and mentee, stated, “This is an opportunity that I’m really thankful for. The career development mentorship circle event has opened my eyes and given me insight for what to do later in life.” To start off the mentorship circle event, Steve Lee, the president of Inception Marketing Incorporation and mentor, stated, “You work a job for the money, but you have a career for a lifestyle.” The mentors had a Question and Answer session and in groups, taught interview skills, how to write a resume, and most importantly, how to find a career path. Semee Park, field deputy for Councilmember Mitchell Englander, stated, “When I was younger, I really wish I had a program like this that would have taught me these skills.” Luckily, for those who are interested in joining the Mentorship Circles, it’s not too late to apply.