In the 2011 spring break, from March 24 to April 1, the Kamiak High School marching band, commonly known as Kamiak High School Showband, traveled to Paris, France, for their quadrennial foreign country trip. A total of 124 students participated in this trip, including the instrument section and the color guard section. The Showband stayed in Paris for seven days, observed the historic monuments erected throughout the city, and performed in a couple of them.
During their stay, the Kamiak Showband visited many historical sites, such as the Palace of Versailles, Notre Dame Cathedral, Montmartre Church, Arc de Triomphe, and the Eiffel Tower. “It was honestly the highlight of my life,” said Britt Carlson, a sophomore trumpet player for the Showband. “Sites like the Palace of Versailles and Notre Dame Cathedral just blew me away. I can’t believe that architectures dating back to the 15th century are still around today.”
The students roamed around the city of Paris, observing the cultural difference between United States and Paris. Ever since the foundation of Kamiak High School’s band program in 1993, the Kamiak Showband went on a foreign trip every four years. “It’s a little treat from the band staffs to the students,” said Toby Bathurst, the director of the Showband. “We went to Paris in 2005 and Ireland in 2001. The reasons why we go on these trips are to reward the students for their hardwork and to spread the talents of Kamiak Showband members abroad.”
The band members also visited contemporary sites, such as the Pompideu center located in downtown Paris. The center is filled with street performers and merchants, trying to make money from the tourists that walk around the streets. They also traveled to Disneyland in Paris, where students spent the day enjoying the thrilling rides and the entertainments.
The Kamiak high School Showband also performed at the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, and Disneyland in Paris. The loud booming of the trumpets and the funky beat of the drum-line attracted many people. “It was a rewarding experience. I mean, how many times can you say ‘I performed at the Eiffel Tower’?” said Jackson Darrow, a sophomore trombone player for the Showband.
After their week-long vacation from reality, the Kamiak High School Showband returned home on April 1. The band is now getting ready for the end-of-the-year concert, held in June annually. “Although the memories are still vivid, we must now move on and start working on our next performance, which is the June concert.” said Bathurst.