The use of social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn has exploded in recent years. Many people debate on whether social networking sites are good for our society. A lot of users claim that social networking is beneficial, whereas others contend that the potential risks involved with social media can cause more harm than good.
There are, without a doubt, many advantages to social networking. Social networking websites allow for people to strengthen their relationships with friends and family and to communicate with people of similar interests. People are also able to reconnect with their loved ones or friends. Communicating via Internet is easier and more convenient for people who are not as comfortable when speaking in person.
On the other hand, there have been well documented incidences of cyber-bullying that is facilitated by social networking sites. Also, some sociologists claim that excessive use of social networking can cause people to have shorter attention spans and an inability to interact with people in a face-to-face setting. When asked about the pros and cons of social networking, Angelica Diaz, a junior at Ramona High School, said that she believes that social networking can be bad because fights on Facebook can get too carried away and that she heard that some people get arrested for what happens on Facebook.
Overall though, scientists seem to agree that social networking provides more benefit than harm to society and the users feel more connected and socially engaged than otherwise. Studies have shown that people feel less lonely and happier when they engage in social networking. Like many things people do, the use of social networking seems to be most beneficial when used in moderation.