“You could use your money for so many different things but you decided to give that money to children you might never meet to get them realize a dream of getting education,” said Jackson Kaguri.
On Nov 21, 2012, Twesigye Jackson Kaguri, an author of “The Price of Stones“ and the founder of The Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project, visited Korea International School for the second time to talk about the changes that were made to the Nyaka Village through the help of KIS students and the changes that can be further made.
The project led by Kaguri was to provide free education to children who were orphaned due to the wide spread of AIDS in Uganda. Fortunately, with the financial aid from KIS and from other countries around the world, the organization was able to build a school that permitted 600 students to receive proper education. However, Kaguri reminded the KIS students today that, “Uganda has 1.2 million children who are orphaned.” He talked to the students about how there are still millions of children who are in greater need of help.
Kaguri, who grew up in Nyaka, told a story about how he played soccer barefoot when he was young. Then, he went on saying, “On top of playing soccer barefoot, we would walk to school 7 ½ miles every morning, every evening. Not because we wanted to, but because we couldn’t afford the shoes.”
Therefore, he wanted to deliver the message to the students to please raise awareness of these orphans through social networking sites and to realize that the students have more power than they may think. The one message that really touched the students was, “What I want you to remember is to not take anything for granted.”