But not for the reasons you think! Disrespect or a silent protest against discrimination? For many Americans, this question has come up all too often in this debate over the latest in a long list of controversies surrounding the recent trend of NFL players kneeling during the national anthem. Beginning with former 49ers quarterback Colin…
Tag: featured
As the deadlines for college applications are coming up for many seniors, they are preparing to take or have already taken SAT and ACT which are standardized tests that are required by colleges. The SAT works in a 1600 points system where english and math each composites 800 points. In contrast, the ACT is out…
College Applications and Stress: Mental Preparations
As each year goes by, there is another set of eleventh graders transitioning into their last year of high school. We all know what that means: college applications! The rigorous fight that each individual student has put up throughout their journey of high school is finally coming to an end with the last boss; college…
People are always asked if their happy or not, however what does happy mean. Happy is one of the hardest word to define. In society, the number one thing that people want to be is to be happy. However, most people think that money and success is the way to be happy. However, psychological studies…
Awareness for Deaf Culture
There are about 70 million deaf people in this world that uses sign language as their main language. It is also estimated that deaf people can only decipher about 38% of a conversation through lip reading. This percentage is very low because every person has a different way of talking and enunciating their words. Talking…
Editor’s Column Opinion: The Wrath of Senioritis
It seems to take its toll every year, at every high school across the nation. Most, if not all, seniors are diagnosed with this seemingly interminable condition. It goes by the name senioritis and it’s legit. Urban Dictionary, the go-to in today’s modern adolescent culture, characterizes senioritis as “a crippling disease, [with] symptoms [such as]…
Korea Daily’s Successful Hectic College Fair
On September 30th, 2017, Korea Daily hosted the 12th annual college fair at the Birmingham Community Charter High School. Every year, the fair includes plenty of educational information, keynote speakers, and college booths. But this year, they added in a STEM lunch table discussion event which a number of students were able to sit with…
Video Games Increase Health Risks
Mobile and video games are becoming more popular than ever, resulting in users being exposed to potential health risks associated with gaming. The more obvious consequences of incognizance of surroundings while occupied with mobile games include accidental collisions, crashes, falls, theft, and more. Additionally, there are a number of long term health consequences that can…
Trust Issues with Facebook
What started out as a great force in social media, Facebook is starting to have a bad reputation. Recently, it has been known that Facebook is posting false advertisements as well as stories just to attract Facebook users. With the increasing usage of technology, children are starting to become the number one victims to clickbait…
Smoking Marijuana and Its Legality
Since November 9th of 2016, marijuana has been legal in California. According to the California National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), adults older than 21 are now allowed to smoke marijuana without a medical card. In California, people are allowed to carry and use up to an ounce of marijuana and grow…