With over 40 million households caring for a pet in the United States alone, the care and nurture for these family companions holds a pivotal element in families. Many factors such as food brand choice, pet health care, space, and treatment all weave into the effect of their well being. With the reliance upon pet…
Tag: featured
“Me Too”
One in five women will experience rape in her lifetime. One in seventy-one men will experience rape in his lifetime 43% of heterosexual women, 75% of bisexual women, and 46% of lesbian women reported being sexually assaulted. 21% of heterosexual men, 47% of bisexual men, and 40% of gay men reported of the same thing….
CVHS Fall Ensemble Concert
The time for school concerts have begun and Crescenta Valley High School has started their concert season with the Ensemble Concert. On October 11th, the Crescenta Valley High School Ensemble Concert began at 7 o’clock. For the concert, students, without the help of teachers, put the concern on, including stage crew members and performers. …
The Irony of Social Media
With social media, we can communicate with our friends and family in a more effective manner. We can share photos of our daily lives and connect with people on the other side of the world through instant messages. Certainly, having access to social media can be a privilege – however, are we using it properly?…
Model Minority Deconstructed
Many people have probably heard that Asian Americans are also the model minority. However, the biggest issue in the Asian American community is this label of being the model minority. Although it may not seem to be an issue, this stereotype creates many problems for Asian Americans. It is widely thought that Asian Americans…
Editor’s Column: The Need to Learn from History
From the Holocaust during World War II to the 9/11 terrorist attacks of 2001, mass murders by men targeting other men have been prevalent throughout history. While these are only two of the gargantuan murders that reached an end, we are still at risk of such atrocities today. Genocide Watch, for example, has issued…
History of Halloween
Just a couple weeks ago, Halloween was celebrated nationwide. Children and parents were seen roaming around the streets of their neighborhood in their extravagant costumes, knocking on doors and asking “Trick or Treat?” Although Halloween may be conceived as a day for candy and fun, its history was not fun-filled with candy, decorated pumpkins, and…
An Original and a Translation
Han Gang is a South Korean bestseller author of the novel “The Vegetarian”, a sensational tale about a housewife who refuses to eat meat due to violent nightmares, growing insane as the story goes on. “The Vegetarian” was originally published in 2007 in Korean. Even then, the novel received a positive response, but it was…
How High School Affects Freshman
To students, high school is known to be either the greatest time of their lives or the most stressful. A few 9th graders at La Canada High School revealed their thoughts about high school’s effects on themselves, so far. Jenny Kim, an aspiring art student at the school disclosed her perspective upon the tolls high…
“Tiger Mom”: Good or Bad?
Every parent wants their child to succeed in life. In a time when the value of an individual can be determined by a single letter, it’s not surprising to see that more and more parents are hovering over their child’s gradebook to immediately reprimand them for any grade that doesn’t meet their standard. Of course,…