The restaurant industry is a competitive, but profitable, sector of business. Many entrepreneurs and start-up companies aim to build their own restaurants or create a service to be used in the restaurant industry. As someone competing in business competitions for the development of such services, I have conducted independent research concerning what features and aspects…
Tag: featured
Making A Difference One Meal At A Time
As a resident of Portland, Oregon, I have always been aware of the large population of homeless people in my area. On every trip to the grocery store, car ride to school, or stroll around a park, I’d see dirty tents and shopping carts parked underneath bridges, people holding signs at traffic stops and huddled…
Youth Drug and Alcohol Prevention at KYCC
It has been approximately three months since I joined the Youth Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program at KYCC, the Koreatown Youth Community Center. Youth Drug Abuse Prevention Program (YDAPP) is a 10-month weekly leadership program where high school students engage the community and peers through drug abuse prevention. When I entered the YDAPP room on…
I Look Like an Engineer: A Visit from Women in STEM
On the morning of January 27, 2020, our AP Computer Science Principles teacher abruptly announced that we would be walking up three flights of stairs to another classroom filled with middle-school students. Complaining and dragging our barely-awake bodies up to the third floor, we were caught by surprise by two unfamiliar faces in the room. …
‘Skills USA’ Encourages High School Students Interested in Technical Fields
The 25th of January was a very important date for CVHS, Crescenta Valley High School, Science and Medicine Academy and two graphic artists. It was the day of the Skills USA Competition. The Skills USA Championship is a competitive event for the best career and technical students in the nation to showcase their work. The…
High School Insider’s Winter IRL Event
On February 8, High School Insider held a Winter IRL event at G.C.C, Glendale Community College, open to all high school students interested in journalism. HS Insider is a journalism program managed by the L.A. Times, which allows students to publish their articles on an online blog. Partnering with executive producers from the local broadcasting…
A Closer Look at Chris Imm, City Council Candidate
On September 15th, Chris Imm kickstarted his campaign to gain a seat in the Cerritos City Council and is currently the youngest Democratic running. The 2020 Cerritos General Municipal election is on March 3, 2020 and is consolidated with the statewide election; all Cerritos residents are eligible to vote for city council seats. In preparation,…
West Coast Elite Glendale: Dance Competition
When most people think of arts, they probably think of paintings or drawings, but other types exist. For example, dance is a very unique and interesting form of art, and is becoming more popular among adults, students, and young children. Many high schools offer the opportunity for students to join a dance team. For example,…
Disneyland Lunar New Year Performance
Lunar New Year fever is catching on! This annual holiday, which falls at the beginning of a calendar year coinciding with the cycles of the moon, is traditionally celebrated throughout the continent of Asia but, is steadily increasing its visibility in the United States. Lunar New Year parades and gatherings are held not only in…
Game 6, Revisited: How the Astros Cheating Scandal Invalidates a World Series
In 2017, the Los Angeles Dodgers played the Houston Astros in the most exhilarating, thrilling, unforgettable World Series in baseball history. The series, as all good playoff series do, lasted seven games – though this was the least exciting part. There were massive homers, dramatic strikeouts, and extra-inning games galore. Each at-bat was a test…