Only halfway into 2020, this year continuously proves to be a significant time in history across the globe. Covid-19 and its effects on the economy, plus the Black Lives Matter movement (and the reactionary All/Blue Lives Matter movement) created social unrest that has affected everyone’s lives. Especially for generation z, the events that have occurred…
Tag: featured
Why Some Americans Are Resistant to Wearing Face Masks During COVID-19
With the novel coronavirus, masks have been a common sight on individuals outdoors to prevent them from spreading and contracting the virus. Especially in countries hard hit by COVID-19, citizens have either made a moral obligation to wear masks or were mandated to wear them in order to limit the spread. However, in the…
How to Find New Hobbies During the Quarantine
During these past few months of social distancing and staying at home, many people have been faced with boredom. Staying at home for long periods of time leads to laziness, and as a result many people have been having less productive days. However, even at home, people can still find their interests and pursue hobbies. …
Remembering the Past Year at a Choir Banquet
As COVID-19 continues to restrict people from normal activities, many have found themselves thinking about how they took things for granted in the past. Numerous anticipated plans have been canceled, and people have been left feeling “human-deprived,” as some students put it. One program in particular, Valencia High School’s choral program, decided to virtually celebrate,…
The Basics of Lacrosse and its Expansion
Lacrosse has been on the rise on the west coast during the past few years. Ever so popular on the east coast, participation has diffused westward, as there have been more and more clubs and school teams, especially in California. On the east coast, it is a somewhat mainstream sport, but it is still more…
How Glasses Affect Others Perception of Glasses Wearer
Glasses are something that usually indicate that one’s eyesight is not perfect and the person therefore needs assistance in seeing clearly. However, glasses are perceived differently than what it’s actual intent is for. Just wearing glasses is enough to make many people think that the wearer is smarter. Through experiments, it has been found that…
The Elections Must Go On!
“The show must go on.” Due to the drastic shifts in Angeleno lives caused by COVID-19, schools, businesses, and individuals have been forced to come up with creative ways to adjust. Because in-person contact is no longer an option to communicate with others, online platforms such as Zoom meetings and Google Hangouts have become…
Finding Meaning in the Chaos
Art has always been a subjective topic, and many people have different opinions on it. Over the years, there has been a noticeable rise in the amount of contemporary pieces created. Contemporary art is just what it sounds like – art made in the current time period. However, contemporary art has received a certain stigma…
How to Volunteer During Social Distancing
As social distancing continues to limit one’s ability to go outside, high school students are anxious about their extracurriculars and volunteer service hours. These weeks of quarantine have definitely put us all into a state of anxiety and worry for the days ahead. However, there are still ways to be a part of the community…
Uh Oh, Masks in the Summer?
It has been normalized for most citizens to wear masks when going outside. Whether you are going to the supermarket or a walk after dinner, you see masks, securely placed over each face. But, recognizing that temperatures are rising these days in Los Angeles, will masks remain a must even in the sweltering heat of…