On Oct. 18, Whitney High School (WHS) hosted its annual Autumn Harvest.
Tag: featured
Opinions Are Split on New Facebook Policy
On Thursday, Oct. 10, Facebook announced that the site is making a privacy policy change.
LAUSD Makes ESL Change
The district is aimed at integrating English learners with native-speaking peers.
Disneyland Celebrates Halloween
Disneyland offers a family-friendly Halloween experience through Oct. 31.
Horror Nights Bring Fear and Fun
Universal Studios presents Halloween Horror Nights.
LA Celebrates a Car-Free Day
People in LA observed CicLAvia on Oct. 6.
Disneyland Disables Guest Assistance Program
Disneyland has eliminated a program which allowed disabled guests to easily skip lines.
AB 484 Benefits Students, Teachers
We must run a limited and unreported pilot test to successfully transition to the Common Core.
Korean Fest Connects with Community
Volunteers smile while working at the Kore Booth. (Janet Kim)
Activist Author Visits Area School
Conor Grennan recently spoke at Harvard Westlake.