Colfax Elementary won a silver medal at this year’s Science Olympiad.
Tag: featured
Troy NJROTC Prepares for Competition
Troy’s program is the largest in the Western US.
“Her” Isn’t That Far-Fetched
The idea of humanity sparking emotional response in our mechanical creations isn’t far-fetched.
Sochi Should Not Have Hosted the Games
Our reporter says that Russia was not ready.
Flappy Bird Stops Flapping
The popular smartphone game is no longer available.
Swing Dance Fever Hits CVHS
Members of the community gathered at CVHS for a Swing Dance.
Dating Apps Reduce Real Interaction
The stigma that once characterized online dating is disappearing.
Student Creates Popular Online Tools
Fourteen-year-old Daniel Singer has already founded two online businesses.
Social Media Impacts Concentration
Are students losing the ability to pay attention?
Beatles Shine After 50 Years
Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr stole the show at their their star-studded anniversary celebration.