These days, tests are the very thing that measure your success in junior high or high school. You are constantly tested on whatever you have learned each week. If you want to apply to a college, the admissions officers examine your grades with the eyes of a hawk. Because of this, here are some tricks…
Tag: featured
Embracing Rebellion: Walking in the Rain Edition
The recent rain that has been falling in January across multiple areas of California is a refreshing feeling of change. The sound of water droplets crashing onto concrete sidewalks, the smell of the air after a long, pouring shower, the feeling that everything bad in the world has been washed away and everything is new…
How Can I Stop Overthinking Everything?
From ages five to ten, I couldn’t sleep at night without my stuffed animal. I was embarrassed by this because most of my friends had outgrown this stage already. I was afraid that someone would call me a baby for still needing my stuffed animal, so I hid it whenever someone came to my house,…
(Editors Column) Cards for the Community
As we all know by now, a pandemic is more than capable of making our lives difficult in more ways than one ? our social, economic, and educational successes have been undeniably hindered for the past year or so. During these difficult times, we may struggle to find joy and excitement in our extremely mundane…
(Editors Column) The Most Difficult?And Rewarding?Thing About Literary Editing
The hardest part about editing, for me, has never been the decision that comes with it. To publish or reject, to accept or decline?with a few tough exceptions, all of that seems to be pretty obvious once you’ve gotten the general sense of the publication’s specific standards. Each magazine or journal is different, but once…
Korean Audio Drama, Coffee Cantata!
As quarantine carries on, many people continue looking for interesting sources of entertainment to bring about happiness. One prominent method of spending time is by watching dramas, movies, Youtube, or TV shows. Through these difficult times, however, it is tough for producers to create these forms of entertainment that they would have hoped to film…
Ballerinas in Quarantine
Being stuck at home as a result of the global pandemic has been hard for everyone. But, especially for those that are actively engaged in sports or are just in love with exercise, this quarantine has posed many limits. Take ballerinas, for example. Without the grand studios to pirouette and jump in, they are limited…
(Editors Column) Adopting a Pet While in Isolation
The isolation created by quarantine is just one of the extremely burdening, negative externalities of Covid-19. As the pandemic continues into the new year, it is not surprising that many have been needing a remedy for their loneliness. One such antidote is adopting a new pet from a local shelter. Since March, when quarantine began…
(Editors Column) Remote Worship During Pandemic
Throughout the final months of 2020 and the start of 2021, Coronavirus has disrupted every aspect of people’s daily lives and has isolated many with needed quarantine. One place particularly affected by the pandemic is the church. Churches and other places of worship across the world hold significant importance for many people and provide a…
How Birthdays are Celebrated During Covid-19
In the past, many people celebrated their birthdays by gathering with their close friends and family to have a party. However, because of the coronavirus outbreak, we are not able to meet with other people. Still, there are ways that people all around the world celebrate their birthday, virtually. One way people are now celebrating…