Some students may be abusing the College Board’s reduced fee program.
Tag: featured
Culture Needs More Lordes, Fewer Royals
Lorde stands up for her beliefs.
Teen Rapper Unveils Oppression
Mayam Mahmoud raps about issues that impact women.
It’s April! (Audio Version)
You’ve read JSR articles – now you can hear them.
“Non-Stop” Aims Too High
The film wastes its interesting premise with a convoluted plot.
Find Your Voice at Leadership Camp!
Leadership Camp takes place from June 21-26 at Pepperdine University.
Scout Parents Prosecuted for Vandalism
Taylor and Hall have apologized for their actions in the park.
Students Compete in CIF Relays
Many team members cheered on their swimmers from the other end of the pool deck.
College Bragging Creates Senior Tension
“It was hard to be happy,” one senior said.
Brand Library Reopens in Glendale
The Brand Library & Art Center completed its two-year renovation on March 27.