A new Star Wars is coming, and it looks good.
Tag: featured
Sneaker Culture Reflects Conspicuous Consumption
Are symbols of wealth worth their expense?
Netflix is America’s New TV
Netflix is supplanting broadcast and cable TV.
Director Aims for “Spirits'” Release
A drama about comfort women is seeking distribution.
School Club Assists the Needy
Raising funds for UNICEF was just their first campaign.
Hurricane Spares Guadalajara
Students at ASFG weren’t too scared.
Test-takers Review New PSAT
The PSAT has gone through a big change.
Student Speculates About Martian Water Discovery
What does water on Mars mean for us?
Observers Debate Media Depiction of Violence
Some believe that reporting can lead to copycat crimes.
Halloween Costumes Cause Consternation
The “I’m Invisible” costume makes its wearer’s surroundings invisible.