Many young teenagers are concerned with who they truly and where to base their standards. It becomes very difficult in today’s society to truly know and understand one’s true identity. What is the most important thing? What truly defines who you are? People, especially teenagers should not feel so much pressure and be confident in what they have and can do without comparing it to others.
Tag: featured
Starbucks Sued for its “Iced” Coffee.
Many people frequent Starbucks and some even on a daily basis but recently, a Starbucks has been sued for misrepresentation and other claims for their “iced” coffee. Statements have been made that the Starbucks in question did not serve enough coffee in their “iced” coffee and instead filled it with too much ice.
Asians Get Involved in Politics
The presence of Asian Pacific Islanders (APIs) has increased yet also decreased in politics. The voice of APIs has also decreased and this is cause for concern. APIs need to start becoming more active in politics in order for API voices and concerns are heard. In order for API needs are met more APIs need to get involved and start speaking up. APIs need to understand that politics is the center of social change and it can be the gateway for positive change for the API community.
Is There A Remedy for North Korea?
North Korea’s nuclear crisis is real and it is threatening not only the United States but also other nations worldwide. Also, because North Korea has began their nuclear testing, the United States needs to take action in order to ensure the safety of South Korea. It seems as though the solution to controlling North Korea is through sanctions, but the questions remains whether the sanctions will be enough or if more severe action needs to be taken.
Opinion: Yulin 2016 – Make Traditions More Humane
With traditional festivals such as the Yulin festival in China, there is always the question of whether or not their practices are humane. Some believe with the Yulin festival in particular, that the way they treat the dogs that are slaughtered for the festival is very inhumane and it needs to stop. Or, some say that since it is drenched in tradition, it shouldn’t be put to an end but more humane tactics and methods should be used in order to continue the tradition.
Private? Or Public
There is a continuing debate about whether a public school or a private school is the better choice for high school students. On one hand, some prefer the private school curriculum and smaller student teacher ratio, but cannot afford the very expensive private school tuition. On the other hand, some students prefer the less strict school environment at the public schools and also that it is free for all to attend. With no definitive answer, the debate continues.
Modern Kids & Social Media: A Brief Exploration
Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have become so popular that everyone is on their phone looking at these social media sites multiple times a day. This also includes students and the younger generation who is borderline obsessed or addicted to such social media sites. It is undoubtable that social media has changed the way younger generation interact and communicate but whether it’s for better or for worse, is yet to be determined.
Snapchat Changes the Game
Snapchat a very popular and highly used social media app for smartphones was remarkable in its launch but has continued to rise in popularity due to their always changing features and keeping things very fresh at all times. Through their utilization of many filters and other technologies, they have changed the game of instant messaging and their constant evolutions will continue to help Snapchat rise in their use and popularity.
To all of Mexico’s drivers, Hoy No Circula
In order to help with decreasing the amount of pollution in Mexico, a mandate has been set in which certain groups of vehicles are not on rotation and are not allowed to be utilized during that day. This vehicle circulation method has been helpful in reducing emissions in Mexico but it has caused much social inconvenience and turmoil. Whether this is the best method of reducing emissions and pollution is still unsure.
Breakfast: To Skip, or Not to Skip?
With higher school workloads and much more pressure put on a student to perform well, students are finding it harder to eat breakfast and opt to skip breakfast for more sleep. Students are staying awake until late hours and sleeping more in the morning. However, skipping breakfast is proving to be less beneficial for the students in their performance and also in the long run. In the end, it is always better to eat breakfast.