“The Secret Life of Pets” is a highly anticipated film right after “Finding Dory” seems to be a movie not just for entertainment but also a film that is thought provoking. The film’s plot seems to get the audience of the film to think about responsible pet ownership and also entertainingly shows the audience what pets actually do when their owners are away.
Tag: featured
Show Me the Money 5
“Show Me the Money 5” is a highly popular Korean Reality Music Competition show that has debuted their landmark season by auditioning talents rappers from Los Angeles and New York. Previous seasons have only featured artists from South Korea. Furthermore, winning the show is ideal, but those that have debuted songs on the show have also found fame and fortune through their album sales. “Show Me the Money 5” will prove to be more than just a music competition show but a stepping stone for many striving artists in the hip hop genre.
Technology and Our Youth
Although there is much debate about the effect of technology on the younger generation, it is something that should always be used with caution. It is true there are many benefits to the use of technology but there are also negative consequences as well. It is best to allow the use of technology for the younger generation at your discretion.
Is Generation Z “Lazy?”
Many born within what is now called Generation Z, technology has been a readily available part in their lives. For those before generation Z feel as though they can survive without technology while those members of generation Z feel as though they cannot survive without technology. With that in mind, many people view generation Z as lazy and unappreciative of what they have around them while those in generation Z claim that is not laziness, it’s just a matter of perception.
Korea Demands Warning Pictures on Cigarette Packagings
South Korea is among the countries who have a high smoking rate. Many people in South Korea smoke and the Ministry of Health and Welfare are very concerned. They have tried many different methods in order to reduce the amount of smoking in the country but have not necessarily succeeded. So the Ministry has decided to try a different method in which the dangers of smoking are photographed on the packaging. Some believe it will be effective while other don’t.
Sports Scholarships
The competition for college is becoming more and more fierce but the more difficult part about going to college is that many students are having a hard time affording college. So, many students are turning to sports for their scholarship opportunities although obtaining a sport’s scholarship is more difficult than one can imagine. Some say however, that going to college should not be the only motivation for playing sports.
World Environment Day
Word Environment Day has been held in order to get more and more people to understand how easy it is to become more environmentally conscious and to begin changing smaller behaviors in order to make larger impacts. It is easier than you think and if you just made one change a day, it can lead to major and greater changes for our future Earth and future generations.
Managing Sports & Academics
Going to college these days is something that everyone aspires to do. In today’s society a bachelor’s degree is equivalent to a master’s degree making it even more of a necessity. However, getting into college has proved to be a larger obstacle than one would expect as the requirements are getting more and more difficult. In order to earn a leg up in the competition, many students are turning to sports but being a student athlete is also much more difficult than one would imagine as managing sports and academics is a very tight rope.
Future Jeopardized
Artificial Intelligence is something that everyone is beginning to utilize but it has started to rear its nasty head at the same time. Many fear that by using artificial intelligence, we will actually lose our ability to be or gain intelligence as a people. People fear that as artificial intelligence becomes more popular, people will become gradually lazier and humans will lose touch with themselves.
Have a Successful Summer!
Summer is here and all students are searching for the right thing to do this summer so that they can say it was an effective and great summer. Furthermore, students are using their time this summer to also participate in many different activities such as internships and summer camps that help them with their college applications.