Science is now proving that indeed staying warm does help cure the common cold. Scientists are finding that warmer blood temperatures help people who are infected with the common cold by creating certain enzymes that fight the virus off. Discoveries such as this gives hope for the future that the cure for the common cold might be right around the corner
Tag: featured
Pain of the Age, “Spirits Homecoming”
The tumultuous history between South Korea and Japan is an ongoing controversy that never seems to find an end story due the many different events and happenings of that time period. The new movie “Spirit’s Homecoming” is a movie about just one of the major wrongdoings that occurred during the horrible relations of that time. It recounts the story of two young sisters who were captured by the Japanese to be used as “Comfort Women” and although one sister dies while trying to escape, they are reunited in spirit.
Trump Inspires Patriotic Marketing
The political campaigns are doing much more than just bringing people together it is also causing major brands to adjust their marketing strategies to also follow in the footsteps of many political campaigns. The nationalistic pride that political campaigns bring to the forefront is also now being found on the labels of major products around the United States.
Kevin Durant Signs with Warriors
Kevin Durant has left his Oklahoma City Thunders and has joined the Golden State Warriors. Durant’s intentions in changing teams after this NBA season is not quite known, but the reactions to his new team and Durant’s final decision has stirred up many different reactions. Some like it, some think it’s selfish, and others just want to see the results in the upcoming season.
Santa Clarita Wildfire on Calgrove and Old Road
Wildfires, commonly found in the state of California during the hottest summer months have swept across the state putting places of residence in danger. Specifically, the wildfire in Santa Clarita has caused many businesses and homes to be evacuated. FIrefighters are working tirelessly to ensure that the wildfire does not spread more than it already has and it is anticipated that people will be able to return to their homes.
A Week with City Impact in the Tenderloin
Summers are typically filled with many different activities including taking time out to volunteer. City Impact is San Francisco allows high school students to join them in their efforts to help and interact with the homeless for a week. This time usually results in the expanding of horizons for young adults as they understand the realities of homelessness and also understand their privileges in the world.
International Academy of Music: 14th Music Festival in Italy
Reporting from Italy at the heart of the International Music Academy’s 14th Annual Festival. Many young musicians from around the world have gathered to perform musical numbers from classical pieces to more contemporary pieces. In the end, directors and participants agree that they created great music throughout the festival.
CVHS AFJROTC Places 4th in the Academic Bowl
Valley High School’s Air Force Junior ROTC placed 4th in the Academic Bowl in Washington D.C. Although the team has made it quite far in the past, this is the first they have made it all the way to Washington D.C. and their 4th place win was not precedented at all. In the end, they credit their achievements to their hard work and their ability to stick to the AFJROTC ideals.
Book Review on Unbroken: A Novel
A book review of Unbroken, a novel by Jessie Haas, is a heartwarming story about a single girl as she is growing up. She is working towards adapting to an unfamiliar world as she is also navigating the different hurdles of life in her own way. She battles through physical and emotional pain as she grows to be more mature.
The Devastating Philando Castile Shooting
The Philando Castro shooting has proved to be a very controversial event due to the reactions to the live stream videos that have been posted about the shooting. It has opened up a Pandora’s box of emotions and reactions from many different walks of life. Lastly, this shooting and the live video of the shooting has also brought to light many controversial topics such as gun violence and also police brutality.