According to the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, women today have an estimated 450 periods during their life. Averaging about 3-7 days a month for 42 years, menstruation is a natural thing that most women undergo. Although periods are a large part of women’s lives, there are a myriad of women around the world who…
Tag: featured
Controversy Over Screen Monopoly Ignites
On July 26th, the Korean film “The Battleship Island”, had a record-breaking premier. Almost a million tickets were sold on the opening day, the highest number in Korean cinema history. However, the movie has also sparked controversy because it is monopolizing screens throughout theaters. There were about 2000 out of 2758 movie screens in the…
Japan is Coming Closer to Its Own Destruction
Due to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japan seems to be coming closer to its own destruction. On August 2, in an interview with Kyodo Communication, Japan’s former Prime Minister, Fukuda Yasuo, criticized that Abe is leading Japan to its destruction. It was initially an interview that was set up to observe Fukuda’s reactions towards…
Korea International Youth Olympiad Brings a Change
Despite its stupendous growth and leadership, the Republic of Korea has yet not been a pioneer in hosting international events to bring the camaraderie of young global minds. However, Korea International Youth Olympiad–also known as KIYO–has challenged such a perspective with its recent success in the city of Hwasung, Republic of Korea. Hosted by World…
Is Letter Writing a “Lost Art”?
It is common to find that calling, text messaging, and emailing are preferred by people today. They are all quick, easy, and convenient, but there are just some aspects of letter writing that cannot be replaced. Letter writing requires extensive thought about the message that a person wants to send. Unlike other forms of communication,…
Benefits of Having a Dog
In America, almost everyone knows a person who owns a dog or owns one themselves. According to, forty percent of the American population own a dog. However, most of these people don’t know the benefits of having these dogs. For example, Terry Shin, an upcoming senior Crescenta Valley High School, told JSR, “I didn’t…
The Impact of the Dodgers on the Korean-American Community
The Dodgers are a storied franchise, known for being one of the oldest MLB teams with 128 seasons played. Since moving from Brooklyn to Los Angeles in 1962, the team has brought the city countless sporting heroes, from the indomitable Sandy Koufax to World Series MVP Orel Hershiser. Now in its 60th year in Los…
West Ranch Television Aims Higher
August 10th, 2017: the first day of class at West Ranch High School. As the new school year started, West Ranch Television (WRTV) began to work harder for this year’s shows. WRTV is the only program on campus that starts the first day of school with a live show and news segments. Even during the…
Low Fat Diet Vs. High Fat Diet
During my ninth grade year, I decided to go on an intense weight-loss regimen. I didn’t consume any fats, nor did I eat a lot: just a spoon of rice and that was it. My diet went on for weeks, and when I finally reached my goal, I stopped. As a result, I lost twenty…
JSR Visits NBC Universal Studios
The towering building comes into view as nine student reporters from JSR visit NBC Universal Studios for a studio tour. The busy security lets the cars in and we pass the big sets and stages attached to the building. Producers and employees frantically walk between the streets, and we enter the NBC studio. Once we…