[Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veterans_Day#/media/File:Veterans_day.jpg
Every year, Veterans Day symbolizes hope and remembrance. November 11 became a day of reflection and acceptance, for both civilians and veterans, to not only recall sorrowful yet inspiring moments, but appreciate all veterans. Historical periods such as the Vietnam War, World War 2, and the Korean War were devastating times for America, but the military personnel has first-hand experience on front lines. Veterans are willing to sacrifice their time, life and sanity for their nations. In return, people all over the United States of America are celebrating the veterans who have served our country. In the face of combat, many soldiers decease, but other fortunate soldiers are able to return home from war.
However, after all these years, the significance of Veterans Day has belittled. Every year, Veterans Day is simply seen as a day off. It becomes another time of the year where people could rest, like Labor day and Columbus day. Although there are events held to appreciate veterans, many people show their gratitude through social media via Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat. On November 11, facebook posts are immediately uploaded about veterans followed by many more, as if it were a trend. Some restaurants provide free meals for the veterans for serving our country.
Veterans Day should be more than a reminder to post on social media and a free meal, but a reminder to appreciate the veterans who safely came back home from fighting our country’s war. Appreciation could be shown in a variety of ways such as attending community events and being an active member on Veterans Day. These veterans, both men and women, have lost so much entering war and leaving war. There are many hospitals and nursing homes that care for the injured and disabled veterans. Take time to appreciate these veterans for helping our country have so many rights and freedoms.