Throughout centuries, motivational speeches have been the fundamental engines driving many individuals to seek life-changing challenges and strive to alter their lives for the better. The seed that would later bloom into all sorts of marvels, this is the reason why we have the great people of the centuries be who they are now.
The inspiring quote from Oprah Winfrey well embodies this concept. “Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand,” Oprah Winfrey once said. Yet, within this oblivious and confusing slump, those who can get hold of their new ground are the ones who succeed through in the face of future struggles. These are the words of Oprah Winfrey that plant the sentiment of hope for those in deep desperation.
“Ideas worth spreading” is the slogan of TED and TEDx that Oprah Winfrey, as well as many other influential figures, supports. Positivity is not a privately owned good to be had at the cost to others, it is the power to change one for the better: for those around a person to feel what it is like to be loved. Just as respected figures have strived to generate an atmosphere of positivity for the good of society, the Bonita Vista community is trying to spread positivity through a TEDx Talk.
According to Bonita Vista High School’s IB English HL 1 teacher, Mr. Jason Good, the challenge the 5 IB juniors are undergoing is “certainly an unprecedented effort that is exciting for all those in the IB diploma program to see the outcome of it.” He continued the excitement and high hopes for this unique activity by considering it as “even impressed the principal of our school, Dr. Del Rosario, after their formal presentation to him on the 17th (of May).”
Certainly, hosting such a wide scale TEDx talk in the high school campus is a strenuous endeavor for a group of high school junior students to undertake: the need to find adequate venues, fundraisers to financially support the project, and most importantly and uniquely to a TEDx talk, the acquiring of provisional TED licenses. Despite these obstacles posed before the juniors, the future of the upcoming TEDx Bonita Vista conference seems brighter than ever.
BVH junior and IB diploma candidate Bo Santos, who is part of the TEDx Bonita Vista conference project, expressed his opinion: “I know that the initiative is an ambitious one: doing something no one has ever done in this school’s history. But, what is life without a challenge? I’m just happy that my CAS group and I are able to do something that meets all of the IB learner’s profile requirements, as well as host a conference that will raise the fame of our school.”
In addition to this, the impression of positivity is reflected in BVH junior and IB diploma candidate Jorge Medina. His thoughts on the TEDx hosting CAS group was the following: “I know the 5 of them well, and seeing how they are so outgoing for something that can’t be guaranteed success is their strong point. I can’t wait for them to show the IB class of 2019 and the entire school more of their skills.”
Hope is being able to see the light despite of all of the darkness. The light of hope is the core of every prosperous individual’s brilliance, like Oprah Winfrey and her speech of hope, and not to mention, the Bonita Vista High School’s Class of 2019 IB candidate with their TEDx conference project. Although there is still lots to accomplish for the dream to become reality, the outlook of the BV community is great. Until the day where all ideas have been spread, the BV juniors of the TEDx conference CAS group will never stop to advance forward.
Jiteak Kim, Grade 11
Bonita Vista High School