[Source: BBC]
When I began drafting this article, I was focused on evaluating the public’s rather positive opinion towards Kim Jong-Un’s seemingly ‘affable’ openness towards conversing with South Korea as well as its critical opinion towards Donald Trump administration’s ‘undiplomatic move.’ But soon, President Trump commented, according to The Telegraph, that America and North Korea “are having very productive talks with North Korea about reinstating the Summit which, if it does happen, will likely remain in Singapore on the same date, June 12th…” Is Trump insane? Why is he treating diplomatic push and pull like a game of tic-tac-toe? Or, did Trump purposely humiliate North Korea in front of the whole world? Is he a political mastermind?
Trump’s sudden assertion to terminate the planned meeting with Kim Jong-Un in Singapore shocked the world. In Korea, it was reported as a breaking news; whether supporters of Trump or not, many were shocked at the spontaneity of Trump’s remark. Some claimed that he had destroyed the mood of peace and camaraderie that was being built between North Korea and South Korea, while others praised Trump’s actions as well-deserved due to the irrationality of the Kim regime.
Yet, Trump’s spontaneity shocked the world once again. It was as if Donald Trump had North Korea dance to his tune; he had strings attached to his sharp, bursting words that obviously greatly affected North Korea. After Donald Trump claimed to have cancelled the meeting, North Korea quickly took a seemingly apologetic stance and expressed its hope to reopen the meeting with the United States. The game of psychology played with the one of the world’s most erratic and dangerous men was won by America by Trump’s spontaneity.

[Source: ABC News]
Many, however, have an opposing view towards this idea of America’s psychological victory over North Korea. According to CNN, Nancy Pelosi, a democrat and the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, believes that this event was a “big win” for Kim Jong-Un because Trump’s quick change seemed very unprepared and unprofessional. Many Democrats, as well as other domestic opponents towards Trump, seem to share Pelosi’s opinion.
Not everyone consents to Pelosi’s argument, however. It is important to note that Trump publicly announced the cause of the cancellation of the possible meeting to be Kim Jong-Un administration’s reckless and provocative comments towards the United States. This isolatory regime, according to CNN, had called the vice president Mike Pence to be a ‘political dummy’ and had hinted its willingness to utilize its nuclear arsenal if US were not to cooperate. After Trump abruptly and unexpectedly ended the meeting however, North Korea quickly changed its tone and ‘carefully’ appealed its availability for diplomatic measures with the United States. Trump played his cards and caused North Korea to bite its nails; this event definitely was a win for the US.
Even though it seems unfitting to call Trump’s action politically ingenious, a number of people feel refreshed by the way that Trump treated one of the most ruthless men in the world. It even feels as if he taught Kim’s government a lesson; even though a lesson of words, its effect has jolted the world quite wildly.
Keebum Kim, Grade 11
Seoul International School