A brightly decorated Christmas night. [Source: Getty Images]As Christmas approaches, society is going through the same argument that has been going on for many years. There has always been a debate about whether or not to start celebrating a future holiday when there are upcoming holidays in between. This is evident during the winter season, when Thanksgiving and Christmas occur so closely to each other. When holidays are very near each other, one can be more popularly celebrated, leading to many disagreements on which holiday to celebrate more and faster. People tend to ignore Thanksgiving and celebrate Christmas because it is such a worldwide holiday and many things are incorporated into celebrating it. Christmas lights, carols, trees and many more are traditional to this holiday, but for Thanksgiving there are only small significances including the turkey. I have taken this chance to question people about whether or not Christmas should be celebrated after Halloween or after Thanksgiving.
A Christmas decoration with the traditional Thanksgiving turkey. [Source: Getty Images]Some argue that it is too early to celebrate Christmas for there is an gap of two months in between. Others say Christmas should be celebrated to get out of the gloomy Halloween mood. As I asked around, 84% of all the people I asked said Christmas should be celebrated after Thanksgiving, where there is no other holiday coming up other than Christmas. The following 16% stated it should be celebrated after Halloween because “everyone loves the holiday spirit.” If one looks for opinions on the internet, there are many arguments about this even arguments arguing that both holidays are important. For example, Emmalee Manes published on Nooga, a website, saying, “November holds the unique ability to celebrate BOTH Thanksgiving and Christmas at the same time. This is because they are inextricably linked.” Although a few have neither negative nor positive feelings about this conflict, many are most likely strongly for or strongly against the opinion of Thanksgiving celebrations such as Kari Toncre. Kari Toncre from the website “Odyssey” states that Christmas should be celebrated before Thanksgiving. “Yes, I am one of those people who skip straight to Christmas on November 1. Christmas is my favorite holiday, but sadly it is socially unacceptable to start celebrating until after Thanksgiving.” She argues that Christmas food, gifts, music, and many more proves that Christmas is more worthy to celebrate that Thanksgiving.
There are actually many different arguments for this question, for some say we should start celebrating starting from when stores open and sell Christmas items, others say when Christmas music starts playing on the radio, and others believe it is an self decision making process. Knowing this is an opinionated question there really is no right answer. However although people have differing opinions on the times for celebration, winter is a time of holidays and all of them should be equally celebrated.