[Source: http://www.xojane.com/issues/80-of-office-workers-spend-nearly-all-day-at-their-desks ]
Both the lack of physical activity and prolonged sitting are detrimental to our health because humans are not made to sit down, but to be moving physically. Prolonged sitting is directly connected to many illnesses, such as weight gain, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, colon cancer, poor circulation in legs, disk damage, and damage to the spine’s natural arch and posture. In the worst case, sitting can kill us faster.
Keith Diaz, associate research scientist in Columbia University Department of Medicine who wrote about the new study on prolonged sitting, claims “[w]e found that there wasn’t a threshold or cutoff where one’s risk for death dramatically increased…To give you a specific number, those who sat for more than 13 hours per day had a 2-fold (or 200%) greater risk of death compared to those who sat for less than about 11 hours per day.”
[Source: http://crestoffice.com/standing-desks/ ]
Surprisingly, exercise is not included in the recommendations. Regardless of how much we exercise, we can still be in the risk of early death if we have been sitting for a long time.
Currently, many corporations are changing the work and office environment for their employees. By providing standing desks, corporations are able to see a great improvement in employee performance and productivity, while employees are able to condense their long hours of sitting. These positive changes can significantly help people restore their healths.