Though some people oppose military action and argue that we should use our resources to address issues like the economy at home, a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey found that 47 percent of respondents think that America is now less safe than it was prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
According to David Corn of Mother Jones, “A good assumption is that many Americans are wigged out by [the Islamic State group] and the chaos in Iraq.”
Candyce Ha, a senior at La Cañada High School, agrees with increased military action for humanitarian and safety reasons.
“It is not only right but proper that we get involved in this crisis,” Ha told JSR. “Not only is [the Islamic State group] hurting the Syrians, but they are also hurting us. After the beheading of the American journalists, Steven Sotloff [and James Foley], America was beginning to get threatened, too.”
Junior Woo Jin Jung, also from La Cañada High, told JSR that fighting in Iraq and Syria is an example of how America can help other parts of the world.
“Much like the many wars and battles we have fought in the past,” Jung said, “America has a responsibility to help other countries that are in a domestic problem.”
America has a history of interventionism and has often fought for what it deemed the “best interests” of foreign citizens. For example, the Spanish-American war of 1898 was inspired by gruesome reports of Spanish mistreatment of Cubans.
Although this decision puts American lives at risk, US soldiers may bring peace to Syria and begin the spark of a new revolution where everyone in the world will stand hand on hand to help one another. Therefore, Obama’s decision is just and people should support and wish the troops luck for a successful and safe mission.