[Source: Kenneth Jee]
This CV Red Cross Club is held year-round and is always open to anyone willing to join. Currently, there are 15 current active members including officer position members. This year’s President is Kenneth Jee and the Vice President is Joshua Kong. There are also office positions especially made for every grade level if you want to be more involved.
The club holds multiple events and participates in larger Red Cross events throughout the year, but the club’s major event is the annual Blood Drive that occurs every fall. The Blood Drives are very important because there is a constant need of blood in numerous hospitals. Therefore, our club encourages students to try to donate blood for a good cause. The Blood Drives are held in the main gym and there are nurses and official volunteers from the American Red Cross to facilitate the drive.
Aside from the annual blood drive there are smaller fundraising events held throughout the school year. The Red Cross Club’s last event was a bake sale in Montrose. Members baked homemade goodies and we were able to raise money for donations to be made.
One interesting and memorable event the club had a chance to participate in was a puppet show for children. The club members had to plan out the plays, create characters, and decide the plot. The puppet show was held at a local elementary school and had the purpose of fundraising for donations that goes to the American Red Cross but more importantly teaching disaster safety to children in a fun and engaging way.
There is much fun and enjoyment in the club, and because the club’s mission is to help and support the American Red Cross it is a great way to get involved.