Not only Korea was shocked, but also the whole world was shocked about the Japan’s refusal in giving apologies to sex slaves. Some professionals say that Japan’s apology was made because of the United States’ pressure. Japan had some conditions about the apology, it was about stop saying sex slave anymore. Also Japan paid $8.3 million to Korea.
Congressman Moon Jae In said, “This is not an apology, this is a promise.” He said there should be no conditions if you are apologizing truly. After his statement, Japan’s apology were bringing citizens’ attentions. Some citizens started to protest about the apology, but others assert that it was good enough.
Most of the citizens found that this apology was not fair and true. They tried to protest in Japan and Korea. The people who were the former sex slaves, they were very depressed about the apology. Very few citizens gave out an idea about collecting money for them. They tried to get donations from the people and help the people who suffered as sex slaves. This idea brought about positive thinking in Korean people.
Joo In Kim, citizen of Korea, said, “We can’t just wait for Japan to apologize, it is time for us to help them out!”
Korean citizens say that Japan should firmly admit its fault and give formal apologies to former sex slaves.