This June, students from around the nation came to Pepperdine University for the Korea Daily’s Leadership Camp. The camp was co-hosted with KOCSEA, The Korean Computer Scientists and Engineers Association of America, and it was the first program to showcase the ‘Data Science Ambassadors – Computer Science Camp (DSA-CS)’.
Areas of focus included object-oriented programming, college and career counseling, and mentorship in becoming leaders in the world of technology. Students who attended received the unique opportunity to experience lectures and seminars from scholars and professors from around the nation.
Professor Seon Ho Kim, Ph.D. USC and Professor Jeongkyu Lee, Ph.D, University of Bridgeport joined us this week to lead the students in teaching basic computer science skills and discussing why programming can be useful in so many real-world applications.
Justin Park (MS, USC), Rajendra Gurjar (MSCS, University of Bridgeport), Jason Hong (Computer Science, Boston University) and Eunji Lee (Computer Science, Stanford University) also joined us at the camp, providing feedback and working with the students in all activities.
There were two tracks for the students to partake in.
Track One: This track was for students who were new to programming. It covered the basics and general best-practices of programming and development, and student’s saw a real-world use-case of Python tools.
Track Two: This track delved into some higher-level concepts and abstract theories in programming, as well as the application of those concepts in real-world research.
Let’s see what happened during camp!
Under the guidance of the leadership teachers and a qualified set of assistants, students engaged in a college classroom lab and lecture environment to work through exercises, discussions, and group projects.
After class, students were divided into 7 groups. During this time, students worked on their assignments and projects with the support of TA’s for any questions that may arise.
However, this camp was not just about classes and seminars. Students also had free time and activities outside of the classrooms, getting a taste of student life at Pepperdine University. Whether it was playing basketball or volleyball, watching movies and dramas in the dorm, or even eating late night ramen noodles and s’mores, the students had the freedom to explore and enjoy their time at Pepperdine.
During the camp, two guest speakers came to speak about the power of social media data and importance of technology and computing in the present and future. Eun Jung Jung (USC researcher) came to give a speech on the second day of camp about “The Social Impact of Media Storytelling”. Eun Jung Jung emphasized how data science is important in every field, even in Hollywood, and how data can be collected and analyzed to measure and evaluate the influence of media in our lives. Dr, Jeho Park (Harvey Mudd College ) conducted a seminar about the power of computing in present times and its relevance in a variety of future fields.
Students participated in courses like data science, python programming, data mining and analysis, as well as polished practical skills like conducting research, giving presentations, and coordinating through team-work.
During the one-week duration of the camp, students were given a rigorous schedule filled with classes and seminars. This was not an easy schedule so all these students deserve a round of applause.
Junkee Kim(T1, Student) “Teamwork and cooperation are what we need in becoming successful leaders.”
Audrey Shim(T1, Student) “Compared to other programming camps, this camp was more informative and also more affordable.”
Professor Kim.(T2, Instructor), “In college, computer science is even elective since all fields today are based on data. It is an extremely practical class.”
Justin Park( T2, Instructor), “Students worked really hard in Track 2, they had to learn how to use advanced software that is used in artificial intelligence and machine learning.”
Since these students learned some essential computing knowledge for leader, now, Students are ready to become Data Science Leaders based on the skills and knowledge they learned in summer camp!!