[Source: SponServe]
The 20th Semester of the J Student Reporter Program at Korea Daily has been officially begun and the time has come for the esteemed student editors and reporters to be introduced. This semester, out of the many applications we received, just about 50 students were chosen this Spring. Out of these 50 students, 14 student editors have been chosen and we are enjoying every interaction thus far. Although not a very competitive program, the J Student Reporter Program requires a lot of time management skills and utmost effort in order to report timely news that affects the students, their schools, and their communities.
Our student editors and reporters have been chosen from all over California but is not limited to local areas. The J Student Reporter Program also reaches out to cities all over the United States and even internationally. With the great diversity of students and communities that are a part of this program, we look forward to the plethora of topics that are and will be submitted throughout the semester. We highly anticipate great reporting of events in and around our student’s schools and communities.
The students of 20 JSR are now student reporters for their schools and communities through December of 2018. They will be working arduously to report on the impactful things that are happening around them. On top of that, the student editors will be editing their student reporter articles and helping them improve their writing skills. All student editor and reporter submissions will be reviewed by the Chief Editor and the select few will be chosen for publication every week.
One of the many perks of the program is the opportunity for students to be published in a weekly publication but more importantly, this program offers students a deeper look into the world of journalism and leadership. The main goal of this program is to get students more interested in the current issues around them and improve their writing skills for the future.
This semester, we have also continued our J-JSR (Junior J Student Reporter) Program for our 7th – 8th graders who want a glimpse of the world of journalism. We anticipate great growth as they get their feet wet and immerse themselves. We hope, as they continue their journey, they will garner a passion for reporting and a knack of writing.
The J Student Reporter Program has been very successful in the past and with the great selection of editors and reporters this semester, we look forward to yet another successful semester! Please keep a continual eye out for our student reporter articles!
Whitney M. Ahn
Program Coordinator/Chief Editor