Popular Instagram account @humansofny uploads photos and stories of NYC citizens to show that everyone has an interesting story. Downtown Magnets High School aims to give a similar message by running their own Instagram account. Aptly called the Suns of DMHS, as their mascot is the suns, the yearbook staff at DMHS interviews random students and asks simple questions that have the potential to garner an interesting response.
[Source: instagram.com/sunsofdmhs,Celestine Seo]
By opening an Instagram account like this, students are able to read about other students and learn interesting facts and stories about the people they might have seen passing by in the hallways. It also provides the yearbook staff with another creative outlet.
“I think [the Suns of DMHS] is a great idea,” Yumi Park, a sophomore at Ambassador School of Global Leadership stated. “My school doesn’t have anything like that, and I think it would be a great way to find out about people, ranging from classmates to strangers to even your close friends. It’s also a fun way to get to know other people, and I feel like the yearbook team would enjoy it as a way to relieve stress from trying to meet yearbook deadlines.”