[Source: Madeline Kim, snapchat]
[Source: Madeline Kim, snapchat]
Club H3M is a part of the non profit organization A3M, which is an acronym for Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches. The club was created to help raise awareness for patients suffering from cancer and other blood-related diseases to find potential bone marrow donors.
The club members meet once a month to help package kits for the bone marrow donor registration drives. Students are given the opportunity to volunteer at local fairs, night markets, and campus events to help adults over the age of eighteen sign up to be bone marrow donors. The volunteers help with the registration process and get samples of DNA through a simple cotton swab swatch.
Cofounder Madeline Kim shared her goals and her experience with H3M exclaiming, “Although I am not over eighteen and can not be a donor myself, this club is very important to me especially because I know a family friend who has been suffering from leukemia since the age of thirteen. I truly see this club as an opportunity to come together as a school community regardless of age, ethnicity, and background to raise awareness for patients who require bone marrow transplants in order to survive. I hope this year is just as successful as last year and I look forward to hearing stories of recovery.”
The Crescenta Valley High School H3M community strives to inspire their diverse students and members to join together to save the lives of cancer patients!