For 13 years, students have put great effort into their studies and extracurriculars for only one purpose: getting into college. After surviving many years of stress and sleepless nights, seniors are finally able to relax. This period of relaxation has been given the name “senioritis.” Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “senioritis” as an ebbing of motivation and effort by school seniors as evidenced by tardiness, absences, and lower grades. Myriad teens believe that after submitting college applications there is no purpose in attending school. This mindset has led to the slipping of grades, increasing of absences, and the dropping of extracurricular activities. Numerous high school seniors fall victim to “senioritis,” believing it provides mental freedom.
Although seniors do deserve a break from their career trajectory, ditching school and not maintaining grades is not the way to go, according to many educational authorities.
Mr. Smith a high school teacher, stated, “This period of mental repose should be seen as an opportunity for students to further their knowledge in different professions and seek out more learning opportunities they could not find while they were busy with school work.”
Even though this lack of motivation can be prominent in many seniors, not all fall victim to “senioritis.” There are plenty of students that still attend school, maintain their grades, and explore new opportunities. For example, senior Sarah Kim states, “I want to take this relaxing time to continuing studying and also become an active participant in extracurriculars just for the fun of it.” Therefore, this period cannot be seen in a negative light, since some students make the most of this time.
Student Sarah Kim is one example of a senior who is taking this time to start piano lessons again, since she did not have time to enjoy her lessons with the presence of school stress. The aftermath of college applications brings about a period of rejuvenation but also leeway, to either maintain good study habits or lose all control. Through the final period of the application process, two different types of seniors can be seen. The senior who falls victim to “senioritis” and the other who decides to take the time to broaden their skills and challenge themselves in the last few months of high school.