Seniors who are in their last semester of high school have been hit with “senioritis,” a lack of motivation to do well in school.
Most seniors finalized their college applications and are in the process of waiting for college acceptance letters. Now, they spend more time doing what they want and worry less about schoolwork and their grades.
Eurie Nam, CVHS senior, stated,“Since grades don’t really matter anymore, I don’t feel an incentive to actually work hard. Also, since high school is about to end, I want to spend more time with friends rather than studying
However, senioritis has been said to be, as quoted by Jun, “an accumulating epidemic that begins near the end of junior year. It is a very real issue.” Teachers at schools sometimes express disapproval of seniors who begin to slack off because they have already been accepted to colleges and start skipping school or not trying their best.
Spanish teacher at CVHS Ms. Dermesropian stated, “I think seniors do start to slack off but those who were dedicated, still end the year strong and don’t slack off as much.” As the school year comes close to an end, senioritis has begun to impact many seniors. However many are still trying to fight senioritis and give their very best on their last months as high school students.