Project Linus, named in reference to the “Peanuts” character Linus who always carries a security blanket, works with numerous chapters nationwide to provide blankets to those in need. Since the start of the organization in 1998, an average of 350 handmade blankets have been collected and donated each month to hospitals, shelters, social service agencies, and other places. In the two years since it was established, the SCV/Sylmar branch alone has donated more than 2,300 blankets.
“For us, giving a blanket to a child whose life is crashing around them allows that child to feel a warm hug,” said Sharon Garvar, the Project Linus chapter coordinator and a teacher at Academy of the Canyons (AOC), in an interview with JSR.
“We can’t always solve the problem,” she continued, “but there is a lot of love we can put out there… Sometimes a gift from a stranger is all it takes to help someone get up and keep trying to overcome those seemingly insurmountable obstacles.”
“I was proud to hand in the blanket to the teacher knowing that I would be helping another child,” Julia Lee, a junior at AOC, told JSR in an interview.
With a goal of encouraging more people to share kindness, AOC senior Heero Chung told JSR, “I am planning on starting [a branch of Project Linus] in college if possible.”
SCV/ Sylmar Project Linus hosts Make a Blanket Day biannually in February and October. To learn more about these and other events, visit