[Source: Author, Chloe S. Mun]
Despite the benefits of educational technology in the past, many parents are questioning if technology is really necessary for a student’s education and provides the positive needs a child needs for education. However, technology has a positive effect on a student’s education because of various online resources, worldwide tutoring, and daily checking of the student’s academic progress.
Adults may not realize, but kids can use technology for online sources. For instance, when a child is in need of examples when struggling with a subject, he or she can retrieve studying tips, custom essay help, or free courses. Studying tips from online can give a student an idea on how to write a certain essay or help with the project. It can also save the student much time and can give them an idea that would help them with education.

[Source: Author, Chloe S. Mun]
Another example is when looking for evidence for a certain topic, it can be found after a simple search made online. Since the internet has mostly factual information, looking for evidence about topics makes it easier on the student. But be aware, there are some false information online. I would recommend websites that are ran by the government, or where the author has a specific major in the topic he/she is addressing in the article/website. This allows students to have strong supporting facts on their topic. Students are able to use technology as an online resource to help with their education.
Secondly, worldwide tutoring access through the internet can help as well. For instance, when writing an essay in a new language, you need to make sure the essay is free from grammar and spelling mistakes. When a student writes an essay in a foreign language, a tutor from that country can revise the essay to ensure the grammar and spelling is correct. This can save time and money, which can help complete their assignment. Online tutors can help students save money and time by providing the education needed.
Checking a student’s academic skill and seeing their improvement can be easily noted through technology and data. For example, when a teacher needs access to information about a student’s skill, they can easily check their grades through online websites, tests, and apps to check their progress. Since the student’s grades are accessible, a teacher can know if they are doing well or not. This can help the teacher have a better understanding of the student’s placement in class because their progress is shown. Overall, finding out about the student’s progress will be easier and give teachers the extra support they need to help and encourage their students.
Overall, technology supports students with online resources, worldwide tutoring, and assessing the progress of academic skills. This can help both the student and their teacher with managing their education. Thus, learning has improved throughout the ages due to technology and maintains a positive effect. The purpose of technology is not only for entertainment but is also for education. Overall, technology is a multitasking informational teacher.
Chloe S. Mun, Grade 8
Jeffrey Trail Middle School