Disneyland has eliminated its Guest Assistance Card, which allowed guests with disabilities skip lines with a flick of the wrist.
The passes were designed to provide a service to those who are unable to tolerate the tedious waiting times due to physical or mental discomfort. In addition to allowing disabled guests to skip lines, it allowed the guests that came with them to also skip lines.
However, recent stories indicate that the passes were being abused. Some card holders were advertising their services on Craigslist, offering to accompany non-disabled guides through the park to allow them access to quick rides and pleasure. According to the New York Post, these guides would charge around 130 dollars per hour making a great profit.
According to high school freshman Simon Pyon, “This is absolutely an outrageous scheme… The immoral acts of cheating others has ought to be dealt with immediately.”
Local network NBC4 recently did an undercover investigation by hiring two disabled guides. With the guides, the journalists were able to go on ride after ride in minutes.
During an interview with one of guides, the NBC reporter asked, “Do you ever feel any pangs of guilt when you’re cutting past all those people waiting in line with people who are paying you?”
The guide responded, “ I couldn’t care less.”
In place of the Guest Assistance Cards, Disneyland now as a new policy that allows disabled riders to reserve appointment times for rides but does not let them automatically skip lines.