For those with the Harvard fixation, the Korea Daily’s ninth annual College Fair is a great place to get information about the school. Held on Saturday, September 20 at the Choong Hyun Mission Church in Glendale, the fair will include speeches by two different people who have Harvard experience.
The keynote speaker at the event, Janet Kwok, has worked as an Admissions Interviewer for the university. Admissions interviewers from around the country meet with prospective students in order to get to know them and find out about their educational goals.
The interview can be a nerve-racking experience for students who don’t know what to expect. Fortunately, Ms. Kwok will be delivering her speech to help teach audience members what to expect. With guidelines and pointers, Ms. Kwok’s seminar will tell you what to think about when preparing for and participating in your Harvard interview.
Also speaking at the event will be Sally Na, a Harvard sophomore who graduated from the Highly Gifted Magnet Program at North Hollywood High School in 2013. In high school, Na focused on public speaking with her participation in Mock Trial and Moot Court, sports by training as a synchronized swimmer, and journalism through her participation as a member of the J Student Reporters program sponsored by the Korea Daily.
The title of Na’s presentation, “Avoiding the Trends,” encapsulates the advice that she intends to give to attendees. According to NA, who applied to Harvard’s Early Action program, it’s important for students to focus on core interests and use those as building blocks for expressing creativity and talent. Na will share her personal observations about finding success in the application process and at college, and she’ll speak out against the tendency of students and parents to try to formulaically apply admissions strategies without paying heed to student individuality.
Though these two speakers are part of the Harvard family, their advice will be valuable to all students and parents who want to learn about the application and admissions process. And Harvard is far from the only school being represented. In addition, there will be informational booths from schools including USC, NYU, Carnegie Mellon, and Johns Hopkins. Seminar speakers from educational institutes around Los Angeles will present informative seminars on admissions, finding financial aid, qualifying for admission as an undocumented immigrant, and more. Attendees will also hear inspirational words from Teen Wolf’s Arden Cho, Hollywood concept designer Steve Jung, and Google’s Tae Eun Kim.
Doors open at 10 am, and the free event lasts until 3 pm. Register online at to be eligible to win prizes from Samsung and McDonalds.