Over the winter break, La Cañada High School (LCHS) seniors Terry Ha, Jinhyun Park, and Justin Yi decided to play a card game after which the losers would shave their eyebrows as punishment. The plot’s mastermind, Park, won the game but decided to shave his eyebrows along with his friends.
In an interview with JSR, Park stated, “At first, Terry and Justin shaved one brow. But it looked stupid, so I told them to shave [both] off. At first they didn’t want to, but I persuaded them by sacrificing my own eyebrows. In the end, the three of us became browless.”
Ha posted pictures on Facebook and Instagram right after the incident. Reactions were fierce, and the photos went viral in La Cañada.
“They are seriously crazy for doing that!” senior Clara Choi, Park’s friend at LCHS, told JSR. “Brows are seriously so important, and the fact that they decided to shave them off just surprised me and left me with no words. Seeing their browless faces makes me feel kind of uncomfortable, and it’s seriously so hard not to laugh.”
Although it began as a game, Ha and Yi eventually regretted their actions.
Ha said, “At first I didn’t really mind. I thought it would be a memorable thing, but as soon as I went back to school people started noticing and it was horrible. I tried filling them in like girls do but ended up being too lazy, so I tried covering them up with my bangs. No matter how hard I tried to hide them, people noticed and laughed. I don’t really care now, but in the beginning it was super embarrassing.”
Makeup artists like Michelle Phan have included eyebrows among the main things that structure our faces. In addition to their beauty function, eyebrows also have an important biological function. According to evolutionary biologists, eyebrows provide protection for our eyes against sweat and debris. Moreover, it can take between four to eight months for shaved brows to regrow.
After learning this fact, Yi ended his interview with a powerful statement by saying, “I’m seriously never doing this again.”
This “game” shows how immature, and easily entertained, teens can be. This accounts not only for this “Eyebrow Challenge” but for many others, including the “Cinnamon Challenge” or even the “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.” Although the ALS Challenge was started for a good cause, it has been speculated that many participants did it for attention.