In an ambitious new project, nineteen-year old Kelley Katzenmeyer is currently directing a documentary film, which concerns the everyday lives of Korean high school students, as well as the respective pressures put on them to achieve academic and aesthetic perfection. South Korea has undoubtedly come far, the documentary states, in 60 short years of transforming…
Category: Uncategorized
Hour of Power at Cerritos High!
Hour of Power is back at Cerritos High School! Hour of Power is an after school tutoring program that is available Monday through Thursday until 3:45. Students can come if they are falling behind in a class, need help with their homework, or even to tutor other students. It is a great way for students…
Taste of the Region
September 15th 2011 – The Cerritos Regional Chamber of Commerce held its annual Taste of the Region and Business Expo, an event whose purpose was to showcase the area’s best “cuisine, culture, and commerce.” Volunteers from the Gateway Red Cross and Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) assisted by handing out flyers, passing out water,…
SOCOMUN Introduces Students to MUN
On September 24th, Santa Margarita Catholic High School hosted its 20th annual South Orange County Model United Nations (SOCOMUN) Conference. With over 900 students from over 20 schools from all over Orange County, SOCOMUN XX was an enormous success. This year’s theme for the conference was “Learning from the past, Leading the future,” and the…
“1 Strike Amiss” Choi-Kyung Ju 3rd Place at The Tour FedEx Championships
Choi Kyung-Ju placed 3rd place on the final day of the PGA Golf Tour FedEx Playoffs in Atlanta, Georgia on September 25, 2011, with even par on the fourth round and 7 under par combined. By 1 strike, Choi Kyung-Ju failed to enter the extended stage, and had to finish the championships with 3rd place,…
September – NBA Lockout
Andrew Nam Canyon High School Grade 12 September 25, 2011 2011 NBA Lockout When will this fiasco end? That is the question that is in the minds of millions of hardcore basketball fans all around the United States. When will the NBA lockout end? When will teams be able to prep for the upcoming…
Woodbridge Senior Medals at CIF Championships
By Hoyeon Lee, Woodbridge High School, Grade 10 June 16, 2011 Woodbridge High School senior Gabrielle Scott placed third place in the California State Championships in the 400 meters. At the CIF Division 3 Preliminaries on May 14, senior Gabrielle Scott was the top qualifier in the 400 meters and third place in the 200…
Kent boys’ soccer team travels to compete in Far East Tournament
By Joo-Hyung Park June 6, 2011 On May 26, 2011, the Korea Kent Foreign School went to Osan, Korea to participate in the boys’ soccer Far East Tournament. The Far East Tournament is an annual event, which teams from all over East Asia attend to compete for one of the most valuable prizes. Joo Hyung…
Golfers Compete for the Green Jacket at the Masters
By Chris Park, El Diamante High School, Grade 12 April 11, 2011 It is that time of the year when the Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) hosts the annual Masters Golf tournament. Professional golfers all over the world, who have performed more than satisfying performances and achieved numerous amounts of success throughout the season, have received…
NCAA March Madness Leads to Final Four
By Chris Park, El Diamante High School, Grade 12 April 4, 2011 It’s the time of the year when college hoops sweeps the nation with the biggest upsets and excitement. The NCAA College Basketball Association kicked off its famous NCAA Tournament the dawn of March, to crown the best Division 1 College Basketball Team in…