Students have to finish their homework on time and study before tests. They are up late at night. They are tired, but they can’t go to bed right now. What do they do now? They grab energy drinks. Studies have shown that about 60% of teenagers drink energy drinks, beverages for purpose of providing a…
Category: Uncategorized
Students at the Ranch Speak Out About Asian Parenting
“Which is better, an A in an honors course, or a B in an AP course?” Nine out of ten Asian parents will either question the validity of the question or reply with a witty remark, “An A in an AP course.” Aileen SeoAileen Seo has been a part of JSR since 2012 and…
헝거 게임 시리즈, 미국 책 시장을 뒤흔들다
수잔 콜린즈 작의 ‘헝거 게임’ 시리즈가 ‘해리 포터’, ‘트와일라잇’ 을 뒤잇는 새로운 틴 판타지의 역사를 만들어나가고 있다. 2008년, 초판 50,000 부로 시작했던 이 작품은 뒤이어 ‘캐칭 파이어’, ‘모킹 제이’ 가 출간되면서 현재 38개국 출간, 8백만 부가 넘는 판매고를 올렸으며, 다가오는 3월 23일 개리 로스 감독의 지휘 하에 영화로 개봉 준비중이다. 영화의 공식 티저 영상은 이미…
First Math Club in Apple Valley
On February 3rd, 2012, Robin Pyo, a freshman from Granite Hills High School and Sophia Park, a junior from Apple Valley High School formed a Math Club for students in Apple Valley who need assistance in math and don’t have the money to go to a preparatory academy. Ju Hwan James LeeMore Posts
The Perfect Valentine’s Film: The Vow
When people hear the word February, they automatically recall it as “the month when love is in the air”. This kind of mentality is caused by the rush of romantic films that premiere for the Valentine’s frenzy. Following this kind of mentality, The Vow, directed by Michael Sucsy, depicts a heart-warming love story between two…
Post-Miramonte, Facing Reality
The terrifying, disturbing scandal concerning Miramonte Elementary School has left the entire nation in a state of absolute shock and horror. The scandal, which has spanned these past two weeks, involves the arrest of two teachers at the elementary school for allegedly committing various lewd acts on their students. The incident has put schools nationwide,…
Aspire for Love like “The Vow”
“The Vow” is a perfect film for female teenagers and adults who aspire for true love. A story of fate’s mischief, the film is based on true events of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter, and it portrays that true love always has its way of going back even after suffering a major break which in this…
Korean Teenagers Living Around the Globe
Korean population is spread around in different places of Americas, Europe, as well as within Asia. Many Korean teenagers around the globe face similar yet different situations every day. Korean community is treated differently depending on the country’s reaction toward foreigners. While some countries have an open and tolerable mind toward a new culture, some…
KIS wins the AISA Math Mania Championship
The 2012 AISA, Association of International Schools in Asia, Math Mania Competition took place in Osaka, Japan. AISA is an association that currently consists of four international schools: Korea International School, Senri/Osaka International School, Seoul International School, and Yokohama International School. Fortunately, this year, Korea International School won the AISA Math Mania Competition, placing first…
Black History Month is Educational and Enjoyable
February means Valentine’s Day, the day when one shows appreciation towards one’s loved ones, especially one’s lover, with chocolates and other sweets. February is also the month when students have one or two school holidays, depending on the school district, in honor of celebrating Lincoln’s birthday and President’s Day. However, most people fail to realize…