His name has been on everyone’s lips: Joseph Kony. The actions of this Ugandan criminal were made known to nearly everyone through the internet-posted documentary, Kony 202. The 30-minute film, directed by the non-profit organization, Invisible Children, Inc., was posted on March 5, and nearly reached a million hits overnight on both YouTube and its…
Category: Uncategorized
Need help with homework? We’ve got help.
In 2007, the Library Foundation, including the Los Angeles Public Library, launched the “Live Homework Help” educational program, designed for any students in the 4th through 12th grades who need homework assistance. Lily Hyerin LeeLACES Class of 2013; 6th JSR Session; Student Editor; Hobbies: Playing basketball/golf, piano, and watching movies.More Posts
Book Review- Night by Elie Wiesel
2차 세계 대전 당시 처참했던 유대인 학살 사건 ‘홀로코스트’, 그리고 숨겨졌던 잔인한 나치의 만행을 낱낱이 고발하는 회고록’나이트’는 실제 아우슈비츠 수용소의 수감자였던 유대인 엘리 위젤에 의해 쓰여졌다. 어머니, 동생, 아버지를 비롯한 사랑하는 가족을 수용소에서 모두 잃은 그는 그곳에서 한때 절망하여 자신의 마지막 지탱이 되었던 신앙마저 읽었다고 고백한다. 또한 이 책이 결코 픽션이 아닌, 수감되어 있었던 기간…
USDA’S CONTROVERSIAL SCHOOL LUNCH DECISION SPARKS DEBATE, PUBLIC OUTRAGE BY STEFANO RUMI, REPORTER LOS ANGELES, CA LAUSD and school districts across the country are receiving a new ingredient to add to their meals, but the closest thing it resembles is Silly Putty. “Pink Slime”, as critics appropriately name it, was approved by the USDA to…
YLHS Ladies Lacrosse Team on their Season
Yorba Linda High School Women’s Lacrosse team has just started its season in February. The team opened the season with a loss against El Dorado who is ranked in the top 10 in the OC/LA area, then lost the next two games by 3 total goals. Soon after, however, they earned their first win…
Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds Movie Review
If you’re looking for a tearjerker this weekend, Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds is the way to go. In directing this film, Perry surprisingly strayed away from his usual comedic touches and focused on creating a serious and uplifting mood. This was achieved by making sure that the characters and the storyline stayed honest and true…
Newport – Mesa Spirit Run 2012 Newport – Mesa Spirit Run 2012
On March 4th 2012 – Newport – Mesa took place at the Fashion Island, Newport Beach. There were many marathons ranged from ½ mile to 10k run. The first race, 10K started at 7:00 a.m. with national anthem. Sang Woon Ben LeeMore Posts
Cantabile Ensemble Shares Passion for Music with Hospital Patients
On the first Monday of every month, patients at the Lake Forest Nursing Center have the opportunity to listen to the Cantabile Ensemble as they perform music ranging from Elvis Presley to Mozart. Charles Kyungchan MinCurrent Senior at Santa Margarita Catholic High School, and a Joongang Student Reporter since 2009.More Posts
Apple attracts many with huge promotion
3/4/12 – Celebrating its many years of exponential success and growth, the technology company Apple launched its 25 Billion Apps Countdown Promotion (the “Promotion”). The promotion featured a contest, giving the 25billionth downloader of any app on the Apple App store a total sum of 10,000 dollars of credit usable in the iTunes Store, App…
Kamiak High School student takes action by starting a Non-Profit Organization
When students listen to the laments of Third World Countries and the rising of infant mortality, they feel sympathy, but they don’t take actions to change the crisis going on around the country. However, one student from Mukilteo, Washington decided to stop sympathizing and start taking actions. Meet Joel Bervell, a junior in Kamiak…