On May 9, 2012, during an interview with ABC news, President Obama stated that “same-sex couples should be able to get married.” Andrew KimI am currently a senior at Kamiak High School, located in Mukilteo, Washington. I love jazz, especially jazz piano. I also like writing, and hope to participate in newspaper club when I…
Category: Uncategorized
Students Incorporate Videos in Studies
At KKFS, both students and teachers are increasingly utilizing the educational website Khan Academy outside and inside of school.
Kimi Low
Determined, curious, and friendly, Kimi Low is continuously attempting at new endeavors.
La Canada High School Orchestra Performs Final Concert with a Flair
On Friday May 5, the La Canada High School orchestra held its last and biggest concert of the year, the Concerto Concert, in Lanterman Auditorium. Andrew Y KimMore Posts
Pride and Prejudice Book Review
Known as one of the greatest books of our time, “Pride and Prejudice” epitomizes the constrains of society and the remarkable potential all of us have, when we discard our pride and prejudices, if you will, and open ourselves up to change.
Changing the AP Exams = What New To Expect
A number of AP Exams are undergoing drastic changes in the following 2012-2013 school year, with entire new course material and exam focus material.
Passive Euthanasia, A Crime?
A case of questionable murder has arisen in Imsil-dong, Jeollabuk-do. An 80-year-old man cut his wife’s breathing tube with a knife to save her from the pain of dying slowly from the final stages of lung cancer as well as to prevent the family from having to take on the exorbitant price of treatment. Jae…
Parents’ Day: A Social Responsibility
On May 8th, Koreans celebrated Parents’ day. For many, it was a touching and joyous affair; people had time to enjoy with their family members, give gifts to the parents and have a good time in general. For some people, however, this day was less savory than most. Jae Won ShinMore Posts
Successful Spring Play for the Cast of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown”
“Your’e a Good Man, Charlie Brown” cast members put on a spectacular show for the students and faculty of Cerritos High School. The play was full of fun and laughter as the cast members were met with enthusiastic cheers from the audience by the end of the show.
Join the JSR Family this 2012 Fall!
Passionate about journalism? Ever wanted to be part of a major news organization? Want your writing published on the newspaper or online? Then, the Joongang Student Reporters Program (JSR) is just for you. Lily Hyerin LeeLACES Class of 2013; 6th JSR Session; Student Editor; Hobbies: Playing basketball/golf, piano, and watching movies.More Posts